Barry Sparks, one of the world’s top bassists, was hired to work on Todd Whisler’s latest studio album. Barry is known for working with many artists including Yngvie, MSG, Nugent, Dokken, and currently the BZZ. The BZZ sell out 75,000 seat arenas three nights in a row in Japan, something Paul McCartney can’t even do… now that’s huge! Because Barry was coming in as a studio musician, we wanted to have him in the control room for a more intimate environment rather than being stuck behind the glass. This allowed Todd and Jim to discuss bass parts with Barry directly. In this scenario we were able to patch bass amps from the other side of the studio while Barry sat in the control room, giving us plenty of sonic options. As a testament to Barry’s incredible musicianship, check out this first pass of a song. Barry is watching Todd play the chords live in front of him while he tears it up. Here one of Todd's Tracks on Imaginary Love Ballads.

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