As seen in this picture, not all videos need to be super bright and saturated like CSI Miami. Even though I personally like well balanced vibrant scenes, shooting dark low lit scenes while balancing the highlights and shadows adds more grit. It is also challenging to film. This particular scene was for a intense rap song. There is a bunch of nuances to take notice. The light bulb element can be scene separate from the glass of the bulb instead of blown out. You can see the artist perfectly and behind him, you get to see cars driving by at night, train track light (top right red) and the exit sign. I also did a live onsite zoom from the beginning to the end of the verse. This allows you to not only get full resolution through the whole shot compared to doing it in post, but you also know you got it right then and there. And the best of it all, the blacks are not grainy with digital noise. Filmed with 4K Canon C200 Cinema Camera and Compact Cinema Zoom.